Invisalign For Adults

Invisalign is a convenient and flexible alternative to metal braces for Calgary adults looking for a straighter smile.

Comfortable. Convenient. Affordable.

There’s no question that orthodontic treatment can be challenging at any stage of life – particularly for busy adults. That’s why Invisalign is often the ideal option. They are discreet, and allow you to straighten your teeth with minimal disruptions to your daily routines.

Can adults get orthodontic treatment?

Many of our adult patients hesitate to undergo orthodontic treatment because they think it is for children or teenagers. While this is a common conception, more and more adults these days are choosing to correct the misalignment issues that were left untreated in their youth.

If you have healthy teeth and gums, there’s no reason you shouldn’t improve your oral health, and achieve straighter, more symmetrical smile.

Aesthetic Concerns

Many adults balk at the idea of wearing traditional metal braces because they are concerned about their aesthetics, and how they will affect the image they project, both at work and during social time.

While metal braces are a common and effective orthodontic treatment, our adult patients often want something a little bit more discreet. And that’s where Invisalign comes in.

The Clear Alternative to Adult Braces

Invisalign is made of a transparent plastic material, making it difficult for the casual observer to see when worn. The aligners are comfortable and also removable, so you can easily fit them into your day-to-day routines without any major disruptions.

Because the aligners do not require adjustments the way traditional braces do, you’ll only have to visit the dentist for checkups and progress reviews during your treatment.